I hope this finds all members safe and well. In a few days we’ll be celebrating Labor Day. It seems as though Memorial Day, the unofficial beginning of summer, was only a short time ago. With the recent heat indices in the 110–115-degree range, most of us will gladly welcome the relief that September’s cooler days and nights will bring. As the month progresses, we’ll be thinking about the coming of fall on September 23, and the rapidly approaching holidays. So be sure to enjoy some of the traditionally nice weather and smaller crowds that the ending of summer brings.
Our Bitty and Beaus event on August 12 had outstanding attendance. These second Saturday of the month gatherings are a great way to stay connected with other members and welcome potential members. We encourage everyone to take advantage of these monthly social events. Unavoidably, we’ve had a slight lull in our CFMC summer activities. But it isn’t too late to take advantage of the months that remain. We have an upcoming trip for September hosted by the Reinmanns and for October hosted by the Tureks. Please contact our Activities chairpersons, John and Peggy Harris, at mx5miata16@gmail.com with your thoughts and ideas.
The final half of 2023 also signals the beginning of some necessary administrative functions of our Club. Remember that 2024 dues will be collected starting October 1. Payment is due by December 31, 2023, in order to attend our 2024 Holiday Party and annual meeting in early January. You’ll be hearing more from our Treasurer, Mary Sue Wahl on this subject.
In addition, we will possibly have vacancies in our Club’s Board and Executive Committee positions for 2024-2025. So please consider lending your services and expertise to the CFMC. More information will be forthcoming about the available vacancies and the nominating process for any board and executive committee positions. The Board consists of the officers of the Club, (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer). The Executive committee consists of the Board, previous President, Activities, Membership, Editor, Facebook coordinator and website coordinator positions. We hope some of the current executive Committee members will continue to serve but we must be prepared for new candidates for those who chose not to continue.
Finally, it’s not too early to start thinking about and planning for our 2024 Holiday party and annual meeting. We expect that the event will be held in early January as has been our practice in the past. Primary items to be discussed will be status of the Club, activity and event identification for 2024, and the election of new board and membership chair members. Of course, we’ll also have our traditional fun, friendship and fellowship that are the hallmarks of the CFMC. More information will be coming in the next Ragtop Tales.
September is a fantastic time for Miata trips. Make sure to take advantage of our opportunities that the summer-to-fall transition provides. I hope to see you all real soon. Zoom-Zoom!
Ron Carmichael