Secretary’s Column

2018 will be the 25th Anniversary of the Cape Fear Miata Club. We need to start thinking of what we can do to recognize our Club’s grand accomplishment. Your ideas/comments are welcomed. Paul Reinmann has already offered some suggestions via an e-mail he sent me which I will put forward at the next Quarterly General Membership Meeting.

In 2017 to-date we have gained 16 new memberships (29 members). See the list of new members under the New Members Column. I believe the credit for the gain in new memberships can be attributed to the success of the Coffee Socials held on the first Saturday of the month at Bitty & Beau’s. In 2016 prior to the Coffee Socials I believe we gained only two new memberships.

Thank you Rick and Judy Judson for bringing this suggestion to the Executive Board to have a Coffee Social each month to help raise awareness of what the CFMC has to offer for the southeastern Carolina Miata community. Bravo!

Submitted by Tom Pane

Wilmington Cars & Coffee and CFMC Quarterly Meeting Recap

We enjoyed a beautiful day outside surrounded by a large assortment of beautiful cars. Many sports cars including some Lotus’s, older muscle cars, and the usual Corvettes, Camaros and Mustangs were there. Not to forget the $260k Lamborghini. We had 16 members in attendance with 10 club members’ Miatas and there may have been a few more there too. After chatting it up in the parking lot we…

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Enchanted Airlie and Kitchen Restaurant Recap

We had a nice time Then we joined another eight, if I with friends during our garden visit and meal following. Airlie was decorated very nicely with lights and interesting props. We enjoyed a nice walk with a slight mist that really put us in the winter holiday spirit. remember right, at the Kitchen Restaurant for a great meal and time to socialize. We just hate to miss an event.

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La Belle Amie Vineyard

We Joined the Grand Strand Miata Club at La Belle Amie Vineyard We met some of the Grand Strand Miata Club members at the SC Welcome Center and had a short cruise to La Belle Amie Vineyard. La Belle Amie was having their First Blush of Summer Music Festival. We spent a relaxing day in…

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