CFMC President’s Message – December 2017

Hi All,

November was a great month for the club. We saw the addition of a number of new members and two events, the monthly social at Bitty & Beau’s and the Purple Feet Festival at the Silver Coast Winery (hosted by Bill Bertrand and Jo-Ann Craig) where our own Judy Carmichael won a first prize in the Lucille Ball “Lucy” look-alike contest. Deb Perham came in a close second so CFMC basically swept the contest. Congratulations to our creative members. Thanks to both, their costumes made the day even more fun for all of us. More coverage with pictures later in the Rag Top Tales is assured.

Thanksgiving was a time for all of us to spend with family and friends, remembering those who have served this country to allow us to celebrate this occasion enjoying the abundance of our great land and time to honor those who are not able to be home while they assure us of safety.  We thank them for their sacrifice.

I am looking forward to December. It starts off with the Carolina Beach Christmas Parade. We are hosted by Ken and Patty Badoian. Following that will be the Carolina Opry Christmas Show hosted by Don & Mary Sue Wahl.  I look forward to seeing many of you for one or both of those events.

Christmas will soon be upon us and I want to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The annual General Membership Meeting/Holiday Party will be January 6th details later in Rag Top Tales. This is the most important meeting of the year as it involves the election of officers to lead the club for the next year(s). I hope that all the members will make the effort to attend and plan to be fully involved in the coming year. The Club is great but only because of you, the members. It is your involvement, your support and your willingness to participate. I look forward to next year being even greater than this year was.

I wish you a very happy and safe holiday,

Ken Schiess,

President’s Message – June 2018

Are you ready for summer? It’s June and it will soon be here. It is the time of the year we enjoy visiting family and friends who like us, enjoy our coastal lifestyle. We are truly fortunate! We had a wonderful time at the Brits at the Battleship event on May 5 where nine Miatas…

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President’s Mesage – May 2018

Is it or isn? t it Spring? Mother Nature still seems to be undecided. Nevertheless, CFMC members gathered at the Brunswick Nature Park on Saturday April 21 for our quarterly meeting. After departing our rendezvous location and traveling to the park, we decided to kick off the beautiful spring day with a 1 ¾ mile…

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President’s Message – April 2018

Spring has finally arrived! After a warm and beautiful February, we were shocked back into reality by a wintry March. But as eagerly anticipated, top down weather lies just ahead. March was another busy month for the CFMC. In addition to our monthly gathering at Bitty and Beaus, on March 17 we had 14 members…

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