President’s Mesage – May 2018

Is it or isn? t it Spring? Mother Nature still seems to be undecided. Nevertheless, CFMC members gathered at the Brunswick Nature Park on Saturday April 21 for our quarterly meeting.
After departing our rendezvous location and traveling to the park, we decided to kick off the beautiful spring day with a 1 ¾ mile walk along Town Creek. After our invigorating awakening with nature, we settled into the park? s comfortable pavilion for our meeting.
The agenda and discussion items were sent to members by Secretary Tom Pane? s email on April 16. Minutes reflecting the meeting? s actions and discussions will be provided to everyone.
However, there are two items that were discussed that I? d like to call to your attention. Both relate to CFMC activities. First, in response to member suggestions, we are looking for alternative venues for our annual meeting and holiday party. Due to the increasing size of our club, larger facilities are needed.
Members Rick Judson, Leon Rooks and Paul Reinmann will solicit ideas and potential venues from members and make a recommendation to the club membership. Additional details on the process will be forthcoming. Second, our June 2018 club event will focus on the what, where and how of planning and hosting a CFMC activity or outing.
This unique June event will address a topic that will be especially helpful to new members interested in hosting a CFMC event or outing but aren’t sure what is involved or how it is done. Our June activity will answer these questions.
Look for specifics in upcoming editions of the Ragtop Tales. As I’ve mentioned previously, our members’ commitment to participating and hosting enjoyable and interesting events is crucial to our Club? s continuing existence and success.
Although it is our little roadsters that bring us together, it is the fun, friendship, and comradeship, we enjoy, as CFMC members that keep us together. Only our members can make that happen.
I hope to see everyone at the Brits at the Battleship event on May 5 when we showcase our Miatas and celebrate our British heritage. Zoom Zoom!
Ron Carmichael, President

Why have a fire extinguisher in your car?

There is only one answer to that question: When a fire erupts in your Miata you will have an opportunity to extinguish and save your car. (That is the one answer.) Here is what you need to consider when purchasing a fire extinguisher: What size: It should be at least a two and a half pound unit.…

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A partnership for excellence

I was reading the annual report from ExxonMobil and noticed an article in the report titled,” A Partnership for Excellence”. The article was about the partnership ExxonMobil and Porsche have created working together to find the best motor oil for high performance racing cars as well as your every day car use. Porsche feels that Mobil 1 motor oil meets those needs. During our club meeting on January 5th I…

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