President’s Message – June 2018

Are you ready for summer? It’s June and it will soon be here. It is the time of the year we enjoy visiting family and friends who like us, enjoy our coastal lifestyle. We are truly fortunate! We had a wonderful time at the Brits at the Battleship event on May 5 where nine Miatas were on display along with dozens of our British car cousins. Congratulations to our Miata category winners!
My thanks to Tom and Nancy Pane for being our hosts and to John and Trudy Williamson, co-chairs of this year? s Brits at the Battleship event, for including our Club. The show brought back many fond memories of my days with my MGB and my Triumph TR6. It was the fun, and challenges, of driving those roadsters that made my decision to become a Miata owner easy.
This year’s Brits at the Battleship show also highlighted how a common interest can bring a group of people together to form the British Motor Club of Cape Fear or the Cape Fear Miata Club. As a ten-year member of the CFMC, I can attest that for me, what started as a club of like-minded car enthusiasts has evolved into many new and lasting friendships. Our Miatas bring us together, but it is the fun, friendship and fellowship that we share that keeps us together.
The CFMC’ s primary method of maintaining our fun, friendship and fellowship among our members is our monthly events. We all enjoy doing fun things with the people we like to be around. Our monthly events are the lifeblood of our Club and, we depend on hosts to select and coordinate our activities. Events can be simple, or on occasion, more elaborate.
Our June CFMC event is a unique opportunity for our newer members to find out how simple hosting an event can be. Ken and Gina Schiess have graciously opened their home for our “Saturday Sipper” event on June 9. Details are included in this month’ s Ragtop Tales.
I encourage our newer members to RSVP to Ken and Gina and attend this informative event. It is designed to share information on the what, where and how of hosting a CFMC activity. Let’ s keep finding new ways of having fun together. I hope to see you there. Zoom Zoom.

Ron Carmichael

President’s Message – September 2023

I hope this finds all members safe and well.  In a few days we’ll be celebrating Labor Day.  It seems as though Memorial Day, the unofficial beginning of summer, was only a short time ago.  With the recent heat indices in the 110–115-degree range, most of us will gladly welcome the relief that September’s cooler…

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President’s Message – August 2023

I hope this finds all CFMC members well and enjoying our traditionally hot summer here in southeastern North Carolina.  Now that the July 4th holiday is behind us, we can get ready for the next big celebration, Labor Day.  The summer makes us appreciate the blessings of living in an area that other folks only…

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President’s Message – July 2023

Can 2023 be half over? I’m afraid so.  As we enter the second half of this year, we’re seeing shorter hours of daylight, longer lines at our favorite restaurants, more traffic, and crowds everywhere.  Welcome to summer in southeastern North Carolina. We shouldn’t be surprised because after all, those large crowds are here for the…

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