President’s Message – December 2019

I hope that everyone enjoyed a safe and happy Thanksgiving. It is hard to believe, but 2019 is rapidly coming to a close! While this year has certainly flown by, we’ve enjoyed another successful year at the Cape Fear Miata Club.
We have shared fun and friendship with our fellow members on a number of exciting and enjoyable activities and events. And 2020 promises to be another great year for the CFMC.

We had over 30 members attend our November 16 business meeting, hosted by Bill Bertrand and Jo Ann Craig. We were very fortunate to have Luis Rivera, Service Manager at Stevenson/Hendrick Mazda, attend our meeting. Luis highlighted his career with the Hendrick Auto group, discussed some of the changes at the dealership and shared his interest and commitment to work with the CFMC on many cooperative activities. We appreciate Luis taking time from his busy schedule to visit and meet our club members and we look forward to working with him and the Stevenson/Hendrick staff.

We will wrap up our 2019 activities with a December 6 trip to the Carolina Opry Christmas show in Myrtle Beach hosted by Don and Mary Sue Wahl. Following the show, we’ll enjoy a holiday dinner at the Parson’s Table restaurant in Little River.  And don’t forget our Holiday Party and annual meeting on Sunday January 5th at the Circa 22 Restaurant in Wilmington, coordinated by Beth and Leon Rooks. See more details elsewhere in the edition of the Ragtop Tales.

As I’ve discussed for several months, at our November 16 meeting we began efforts at identifying our 2020 events. Lots of great ideas were suggested and the Activities Committee will be collecting and finalizing our 2020
activities and events list for our members to approve at our January 2020 annual meeting. Please get your event suggestions to Paul Reinmann at Our monthly activities are the lifeblood of our club
and it is important that we maintain interesting and fun events for our members. On that note, we need our members to not only participate, but also host events. I encourage you to consider hosting a CFMC event in 2020. As I also mentioned at our November 16 meeting, our 2020 nominating committee of Ken Schiess, Judy Judson and Leon Rooks will be soliciting nominees for the positions of Ragtop Tales Editor and the Activities Committee
Chairperson. In addition, the two year terms of the existing President and Treasurer positions expire at the end of 2019. Our club bylaws call for solicitation among our members of interest in these two expiring officer positions. Please see one of the nominating committee members if you are interested in being considered for any of these positions. Members will vote on the nominees at the January 5th business meeting.

Finally, I want to wish every member and their families a safe and joyous holiday season and a happy and healthy 2020! Please remember our military men and women and their families this year during the holidays, especially those who are far from home. We could not enjoy the blessings we have without their service and sacrifice which make our freedoms possible. I look forward to sharing many enjoyable events with the CFMC members in 2020!

Ron Carmichael

President’s Message – October 2024

As we head into fall, it is so nice to look forward to some cooler weather, with our tops down and a comfortable breeze in the air. With that breeze comes a change for Norm and me.  We have had to make the difficult decision of staying here in NC or going back to our…

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President’s Message – September 2024

As I have my morning cup of coffee, I usually hop on the internet to see the latest in news, sports, etc.  I recently came across an article ranking the best Miata MX5’s.  As we all have different editions of our cars and they are chosen based on our individual tastes, I thought the following…

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President’s Message – August 2024

I want to start out by thanking our CFMC members for welcoming Bill Emerson and Nancy Ball, his navigator, to Wilmington, as they began their 9000+ mile journey in a 1999 Miata, circumnavigating the USA. For Norm and me, this was a first to have an out-of-state Miata enthusiast request a visit. We were his…

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