President’s Message – February 2021

I hope that everyone and their families have experienced a safe and healthy start to 2021. There is certainly encouraging news in that the Covid vaccine is becoming available in our area and vaccination opportunities are ramping up for eligible candidates.  Hopefully, in a few months, anyone desiring to get the vaccine will be able to do so.  And more importantly, we can begin to resume some sense of normalcy in our lives.  There has been a tremendous financial, emotional, and physical toll on all of us and our way of lives from this pandemic.  I think because of Covid, we have all reassessed what is most important in our lives and recognized that we can no longer take anything for granted.  Although the future might be different and somewhat uncertain, there is no doubt that we will prevail over the virus and in true American spirit, move ahead with our lives.

From a CFMC perspective, it is my hope that soon we will be able to plan and schedule in-person events and activities again.  As I have stated for months, this will be dependent upon ongoing restrictions and the willingness and comfort level of our members in participating.  I ask all members to begin thinking about activities and events (virtual and in-person) that we can undertake until and once our comfort level for social interaction returns.   In the meantime, let’s keep our club active via virtual gatherings as much as possible.  I encourage members to join our second Saturday virtual Bitty and Beaus zoom meetings.  Although not ideal, it gives us the opportunity to maintain connection and social contact with our fellow CFMC members.

As mentioned previously, Judy and I are continuing the planning for our 2021 Spring Miata Mountain Adventure May 17-21.  Hopefully the Covid vaccinations will be far enough along so that members are comfortable with participating and restrictions are such that the venues are fully open.  We continue to monitor the situation and will stay in touch and update those members indicating their interest in participating.

I hope everyone has a happy Valentine’s Day.  It is an opportunity to show our appreciation and love to those who mean the most to us.  And in this time when unity is needed more than ever, let us remember to respect and appreciate people for who they are, while acknowledging our freedom of individual thoughts and opinions.   I hope we can all focus on the things that bring us together, our uniqueness, rather than the ways in which we differ.   Until we meet again, please stay safe and healthy.  Zoom-Zoom!

Ron Carmichael

President’s Message – January 2025

Hi CFMC Members – Happy New Year to all, At this time of year, we tend to look back fondly at the previous year while we look forward with anticipation to the upcoming year. In 2024, CFMC had several planned activities such as the Moores Creek Bridge Battlefield trip, the Ides of March Road Trip,…

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President’s Message – December 2024

Hi CFMC Members – I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving with family and friends.  Now, the sprint is on to take advantage of all the shopping opportunities available at this time of year. In all this rush of the season, please make sure to remember to renew your membership with the club. Looking back…

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President’s Message – November 2024

This month, I am stepping in to fill the two pairs of shoes of Karen and Norm Abbot.  As Vice President, I am wishing them well in their decision to move back north to be near family, especially grandchildren.  I know it was a tough decision for them since they enjoyed the Cape Fear region…

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