President’s Message – June 2021

As May ends with summer-like heat, we gear up for what we all hope will be a much more “normal” summer than that of 2020.  Believe it or not, by the end of June our daylight will begin to shorten so make sure to enjoy this precious commodity while we can.

I am thrilled to report that the CFMC returned to “normalcy” in May with an outstanding event.  After a one-year delay, our five-day Miata Mountain Adventure brought 20 CFMC members out of hibernation to enjoy and celebrate our escape from our Covid lockdown.  Despite the threat caused by the Colonial Pipeline shutdown and the fear of gas shortages, no one backed out.  Everyone was so happy to be free to travel and enjoy the fun, friendship, and fellowship with each other that are the hallmarks of our Club.  It was truly liberating for all of us.  And we traveled almost 1,250 miles on our trip over the most exciting roads in Western NC including the famous Tail of the Dragon, Moonshiner 28, and the Cherohala Skyway.  Our accommodations at the historic Belmont Inn in Abbeville, SC and the Fryemont Inn in Bryson City, NC brought back memories of what travel must have been like in the early 20th Century: slow and relaxing.  At the Fryemont Inn, we enjoyed full breakfasts and dinners with our group.  The food was outstanding and plentiful, characteristic of a CFMC outing.  This was the fifth trip that Judy and I have hosted to western NC since 2011.  And each one seems better than the one before.  Judy and I were thrilled to host this event and look forward to our next great adventure.  A more complete write up of the trip is included in this edition of the Ragtop Tales.  I also plan to post photos on the webpage once I have a chance to edit them.  Thanks to all the participants for making this Mountain Adventure a trip to remember.

Now that almost all Covid restrictions have been lifted, it is time for our CFMC to become active again.  Please consider hosting an activity or event during 2021.  A picnic, day drive, or visit to a local venue would make for great Club outings.  Resumption of our events and activities will go a long way in returning our Club to normal so please contact Tom Pane our activities director ( with ideas and suggestions.  We are also looking at resuming our monthly second-Saturday gatherings at Bitty and Beaus once they are fully open.

As a reminder, Flag Day is June 14 so please remember to display Old Glory and honor what it stands for and the price that has been paid by those who have defended it and our Country.  I want to wish a Happy Father’s Day to all fathers on June 20.  Remember to identify and plan events for the upcoming months so we can all gather again and enjoy our Miatas and each other.  Until we see you soon, Zoom-Zoom!

Ron Carmichael

Why have a fire extinguisher in your car?

There is only one answer to that question: When a fire erupts in your Miata you will have an opportunity to extinguish and save your car. (That is the one answer.) Here is what you need to consider when purchasing a fire extinguisher: What size: It should be at least a two and a half pound unit.…

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A partnership for excellence

I was reading the annual report from ExxonMobil and noticed an article in the report titled,” A Partnership for Excellence”. The article was about the partnership ExxonMobil and Porsche have created working together to find the best motor oil for high performance racing cars as well as your every day car use. Porsche feels that Mobil 1 motor oil meets those needs. During our club meeting on January 5th I…

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