President’s Message – February 2022

If January is any indication, 2022 is going to be another year that flies by.  We are entrenched in the cold days of winter and many of our Miatas are enjoying a brief respite from top-down weather.  But keep those batteries charged because spring will be here before we realize it.  As you all know, we cancelled our January holiday party and annual meeting due to the resurgence of the Omicron variant of Covid.  Although a disappointment, it was done in the effort to err on the side of caution.  We have every intention of still having a party and annual meeting, hopefully this spring when things calm down.  We will keep everyone apprised of the scheduled date and specifics.

The major business item planned for discussion at our annual meeting was the election of officers and committee chairs for 2022-2023.  Our CFMC 2022 nominating committee, Ken Schiess (chair), Paul Reinmann and Sean Hsu, solicited an outstanding list of candidates for these positions.  An email ballot was distributed to members on January 22.  The results of the election will be communicated to all members.   I want to thank Ken, Paul, and Sean for volunteering to solicit candidates for these important club positions.  And I want to especially thank those members who stepped forward to be nominated and those who agreed to extend their expiring terms.  If our club is to remain viable and active, it is critical that we have members who are willing to invest their time in providing leadership, guidance, and direction to our club either as officers, committee chairs or event hosts.  I ask and encourage all our members to consider serving their club in these and other ways.

With the continuing uncertainty of the pandemic, we probably need to focus on outside activities for the near term.  I am hopeful that we can schedule outdoor events whenever possible for the coming months and begin to plan other events for the later months of this year.  I encourage members to identify outdoor events that could be conducted and step forward and host these activities and events.

February’s weather usually teases us with a few warm and sunny days so wake up those roadsters and get them ready just in case we’re blessed with a harbinger of the spring to come.  Also, remember Valentine’s Day and make sure to acknowledge our loved ones who mean the most to us, especially those who have and continue to help us through these very uncertain times.  And as always, remember and honor those who sacrifice for our safety, freedom, and blessings that we all enjoy as Americans.   Hang in there, spring is just around the corner and Miata days are getting closer.  Stay safe and healthy and I hope to see everyone real soon.

Ron Carmichael


President’s Message – January 2025

Hi CFMC Members – Happy New Year to all, At this time of year, we tend to look back fondly at the previous year while we look forward with anticipation to the upcoming year. In 2024, CFMC had several planned activities such as the Moores Creek Bridge Battlefield trip, the Ides of March Road Trip,…

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President’s Message – December 2024

Hi CFMC Members – I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving with family and friends.  Now, the sprint is on to take advantage of all the shopping opportunities available at this time of year. In all this rush of the season, please make sure to remember to renew your membership with the club. Looking back…

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President’s Message – November 2024

This month, I am stepping in to fill the two pairs of shoes of Karen and Norm Abbot.  As Vice President, I am wishing them well in their decision to move back north to be near family, especially grandchildren.  I know it was a tough decision for them since they enjoyed the Cape Fear region…

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