Welcome to December along with winter’s official arrival on the 21st. Remember that the days’ daylight hours start to become longer on that day as well! What a year it has been. But is it really almost over? Believe it or not, we’re heading into the final days of 2022. As we look back on this year from a CFMC perspective, we’ve seen the lingering effects of the pandemic on our club, especially as it relates to monthly events and activities. But as we close this year, we are encouraged by a renewed interest and desire for a more normal 2023.
We had our first member face-to-face meeting in almost 3 years on Saturday, November 19. Over 30 CFMC members gathered for lunch at the Smokehouse in Leland. The meeting was hosted by Gina Schiess who selected an outstanding venue and excellent food! In addition to officer and committee chair updates, we discussed reinvigorating our club’s events and activities for 2023, plans for our January 2023 annual meeting and holiday party (see more information in this month’s Ragtop Tales), officer and committee chair vacancies for 2023, and establishment of quarterly meeting dates for 2023. We also provided time for member input, suggestions, and recommendations. We had excellent member participation and great input and ideas for our club. I am very encouraged by the optimism, excitement, and positivity of our members as we begin to reinvigorate our club in a post pandemic environment.
For the first time since 2020, we will be having our annual meeting and holiday party on Sunday January 8, 2023. We will again gather at the Circa 1922 restaurant in downtown Wilmington. Several members signed up for the event at the November 19 meeting. Please contact our hosts, Leon and Beth Rooks, at leon.rooks@hotmail.com by December 15 if interested in attending.
The year of 2023 will be the 30th for the CFMC and I am looking forward to an outstanding plan of monthly events for our members. Remember to bring your ideas for club activities and a willingness to be a host to our January annual meeting.
I call all members’ attention to the fact that 2023 dues of $25 can now be paid to our treasurer Mary Sue Wahl. Contact her at mardon@atmc.net. More information is included in this month’s newsletter. Dues must be paid by December 31 in order to attend our January 2023 holiday party and annual meeting.
As we close out another year, please remember to take some time to reflect on the past year and the blessings and freedoms we enjoy as Americans. Also remember those whose service and sacrifice have and continue to protect and defend those freedoms for all of us. Remember Pearl Harbor Day on December 7 and the Day of Infamy that date represents. Our brave patriots are often away from their families and loved ones during the holidays so please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Judy and I wish you and your family a blessed holiday season and we look forward to seeing you on January 8. Although our Miata days might be limited in December, be sure to take advantage of those that come our way. See you soon! Zoom-Zoom!
Ron Carmichael