President’s Message – February 2020

Well the New Year and decade certainly are off to a quick start!  I hope all your New Year’s resolutions are as well.  The CFMC started 2020 with our annual holiday party and meeting on January 5th at the Circa 1922 restaurant.  Almost 50 club members enjoyed great food, fun and fellowship, all culminating in a very entertaining “Yankee Swap” gift exchange.  Our thanks go to Leon and Beth Rooks, our hosts, for a wonderful and enjoyable evening and to Gina Schiess for the exciting “Yankee Swap”.

The annual meeting discussion centered on our 2020 club activities and our members’ election of the President and Treasurer (Mary Sue Wahl) for term extensions and new terms for our Activities Director (Tom Pane) and Ragtop Tales Editor (Gina Schiess).  We thank Paul Reinmann, outgoing Activities Director, for his service and support of our club during his tenure.  The terms for Vice President (Bill Bertrand and Jo Ann Craig), Secretary (Kevin Perham) and Membership Chair (Trudy Williamson) continue through 2020.

Member support and service to our club are necessary to ensure our continued, successful existence.  The willingness of our officers and committee chairs to serve and

support the CFMC is extremely important and very much appreciated.

The Bitty and Beaus socials will continue, but beginning in 2020, they will be on the second Saturday of the month.  Our next club event will be our annual Tech Day at Stevenson/Hendrick Mazda on February 22, hosted by Paul Reinmann.  While the details and specifics of Tech Day have not been finalized, we expect another great day of member and dealership staff interaction. More details will be provided to those who have indicated they will be attending.

As discussed at our annual meeting, the club’s business meetings for 2020 will be held in April and November. There are two events for May so please check out the Activities column in this issue of the Ragtop Tales for those and other 2020 planned events.  We still have months needing activities and hosts so please consider providing this service to our members.

The New Year has blessed us with several days of beautiful, warm Miata-type weather. Hopefully you have had the opportunity to enjoy these glorious winter top-down days.

Obviously cold weather is still with us, but we have a lot to look forward to—spring is only 48 days away!  I look forward to seeing you soon. Zoom-Zoom!

Ron Carmichael

President’s Message – March 2018

After a frigid January start, we have enjoyed unusually mild weather lately. The warmth makes us yearn for those top-down days of spring and the CFMC activities which are right around the corner. I want to thank Elton and Tammy Ellison for hosting our February 10 event to the NC aquarium at Ft. Fisher and…

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President’s Message – February 2018

Hello Members, Happy 2018 to everyone! I would like to begin this year by thanking the CFMC members for their vote of confidence. As your new President it will be my privilege to work to guide and direct our Club. We started off the New Year with a great Holiday Dinner and Annual Meeting at…

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President’s Message – January 2018

Hi All, Well, it is December 2017 and this is likely my 36th monthly President’s letter. It is also my last for the foreseeable future. In January, at the annual General Membership meeting we will elect new officers and I will be stepping down as the leader of this wonderful club. It has been a…

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