President’s Message – May 2020

I’m not absolutely sure, but I think it is May.  Time, along with almost everything else in our lives and the lives of everyone around the world, seems to be standing still.  The current state of events has brought the hallmark of the CFMC to a halt; our trips, activities and members’ socialization.  Our near-term events have been cancelled including our 2020 Spring Miata Mountain Adventure.  But the good news is that the trip and venues are rescheduled for May 2021.  See the article in this month’s RTT for more information.

Future events for 2020 will depend on the guidance we get from our governing agencies.  It can be depressing to think of how the world has changed in the past 8 weeks.  The uncertainty of when and what “normal” will be like when we get through the virus is scary.  But we will get through this.  And one fact is clear; things will change, some in very significant ways from what we’ve been used to in our lives.  For now, the focus must be on taking care of ourselves and each other and adhering to the guidelines that we’ve been asked to follow. Check in or touch base with someone who is stressed, alone, frightened or in need.  Just letting someone know you’re thinking of them can make their day.  Support our health care providers, first responders, and local businesses as they struggle during these trying times.  And if any of our members are in need of anything, let me know at    In order to get through this pandemic, we all have to work together toward the common goal of defeating the virus.  This means service, sacrifice, and looking out for each other.

I think the silver lining in this event has been the opportunity for reconnection.  America has reconnected in a way that many of us have heard about (the Depression and World War II) but few of us have actually lived through.  Parents and children are sharing the challenging and stressful efforts of working and learning together at home.  Many are fearful of maintaining their lives and businesses until they can return to work.  Vulnerable parts of the population are just trying to stay healthy.  The creativity, caring and innovation of Americans that we see are amazing and are often taken for granted or ignored.  In spite of our challenges, we have opportunities to use these traits and our most precious commodity, time, in ways we never have before.  The quarantines and separation from each other and our daily activities are stressful and frustrating.  But the resultant opportunity for reconnection allows us to focus on those treasures in our lives that really matter.  I know that we’ve all been doing some of those important “projects” that have been too easy to put off in the past.  But look at the isolated situation we’re in as a gift that we’ve been given; a unique opportunity to focus on and reconnect with family, friends and what brings joy and happiness into our lives.  Use the commodity of time for reconnection.  And for fresh air, jump in that Miata, put the top down, and enjoy a safe “social distanced” drive with your favorite person on one of our beautiful spring days.  Soon, we’ll be able to reconnect with all of our CFMC friends and enjoy fun events and activities again.  Until then, look out for each other, stay safe and healthy!  I’ll see you soon.


Ron Carmichael

President’s Message – March 2024

Another driving season is upon us. Our clocks will spring forward on Saturday night, March 9th, and we can look forward to the first day of Spring on March 19th. Did you know that is one day earlier because it is a leap year, and February had an extra day? As we mentioned in our…

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President’s Message – February 2024

As we welcome in 2024, we would like to thank the CFMC for their confidence in electing us as co-Presidents. We look forward to continuing to meet members and enjoy the roads and activities of North Carolina. For those we have not met, we have been members of CFMC since September 2021, and we own…

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President’s Message – January 2024

Happy New Year!  I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas and Holiday with friends and families. With the rush of the busiest season of the year behind us, we can focus on new goals, hopes, and opportunities in the coming year of 2024. For us, it marks the 31st year of the CFMC. Not many…

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