President’s Message – February 2025

Hi CFMC Members –

If you are like me, you are probably ready to say goodbye to the cold weather and start enjoying some more friendly convertible weather. Driving around today (January 29th), I saw several cars with their tops down – a clear sign that people want to be out enjoying motoring in warmer weather.  And, with some luck, on Sunday Punxsutawney Phil will not see his shadow and we can start looking forward to the imminent arrival of Spring.

I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday dinner at Circa, and I want to thank the members that have suggested possible future outings for the club. We now need to put those suggestions into action. The members of our Executive Committee would be willing to assist in planning any outings if help is needed. I believe the first suggestion comes up in mid-March – Southern Farm Days at Lake Waccamaw. It has been several years since the club went to Farm Days, but I remember that it was a fun outing and I’m looking forward to going on this trip. In the meantime, we have coffee socials on February 8th and March 8th.  Let’s set a goal to have one outing a month.

Speaking of the Executive Committee, I would like to welcome our new Vice President, Paul Reinmann, to the Committee. Actually, we are re-welcoming him since he has served the club in several different positions over the many years that he has been a member.  And, to the continuing officers, Mary Sue Wahl (Treasurer), Fred Heaton (Secretary), Ken Schiess (Membership Chair), Gina Schiess (RTT Editor), and our past presidents, Don Wahl, Ken Schiess, and Ron Carmichael, thank you for your continued service.  Our web coordinator, Jeff Eng, will be taking on the new responsibilities as the Facebook coordinator. This year, rather than having an Activities Chair, we have two volunteers to be on a new Activities Committee – welcome Tom West and Judy Judson. A great and experienced team.

The cold weather has been tough on our cars even if they have been driven regularly. I had the unfortunate experience of having to replace my 2006 NC’s battery recently. After putting the new battery in the car, the car still would not crank. After a little research in the “Google car repair manual”, I found out that the cause of my problem was a 20-amp fuse for the starter in the engine fuse block. While cars have become more complicated, the availability of the internet and the repair forums are a great source of information.

Last, but not least, I would like to thank Gina Schiess for running another successful Yankee swap at our holiday dinner.  She is without a doubt a pro at running these swaps.

See you at a future club event.

Rick Judson

President’s Message – September 2024

As I have my morning cup of coffee, I usually hop on the internet to see the latest in news, sports, etc.  I recently came across an article ranking the best Miata MX5’s.  As we all have different editions of our cars and they are chosen based on our individual tastes, I thought the following…

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President’s Message – August 2024

I want to start out by thanking our CFMC members for welcoming Bill Emerson and Nancy Ball, his navigator, to Wilmington, as they began their 9000+ mile journey in a 1999 Miata, circumnavigating the USA. For Norm and me, this was a first to have an out-of-state Miata enthusiast request a visit. We were his…

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President’s Message – July2024

How did July sneak up on us so fast?  These past six months have gone by quicker than usual, and I am thinking many may agree with us.  It seems a lot of club members have been enjoying some wonderful vacations to some faraway places.  We were gone for one month enjoying a trip to…

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