Changing Car Batteries

Changing a car battery is simple, right?  Not so fast.  How to change the car battery in your Miata. by Ron Carmichael I think we have all installed a new car battery during our lifetimes. It was a simple operation which called for unhooking the battery terminals, removing the old battery, installing a new one…

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How to Wash Your Car like a Pro by Tom Pane

There is much more to washing and waxing when it comes to cleaning and protecting your vehicle’s paint. If you care about your car’s exterior, you will avoid those quickie car washes with the big brushes that can do more harm than good and do a DIY car wash that will achieve the best results.…

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Side Sill Drainage

Side sills not draining? Ever wash your car and notice that the water doesn’t drain from around the top as fast as it used to? There could be a good reason for that! The side sill drain holes are susceptible to dirt, leaves and other debris. One key indicator – after washing or a heavy…

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Anti-Freeze Alternatives

If you haven’t changed your antifreeze in 2 years, it’s time. There are 2 ways to do have it done: yourself or a shop. It isn’t at all complicated and a shop can even suck out the old without climbing under the car. But if you do it yourself, you will need to dispose of…

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