Soft Top Split

Is your soft top fabric starting to get pinched or split?If you have a Miata with a 1999-2002 soft top with VIN before JM1NB353**0231580, then please check the following Mazda Service Bulletin.

Mazda In-Dash 6 CD Changer/Cassette/Radio Installation for 90-97 Miata

This tech tip gives step-by-step instructions on how to install and Mazda in-dash 6 CD Changer/Cassette/Radio in a 90-97 Mazda Miata. A special thanks goes out to the following folks for their contributions in helping develop this resource: Drake A. Daum aka MVMC Nr 1 Santa Rosa Steve Mitro aka John Chet99 Ray aka…

Read More about Mazda In-Dash 6 CD Changer/Cassette/Radio Installation for 90-97 Miata